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Replacing a turn signal switch

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:41 pm
by cgrey8
How difficult is it to replace a turn signal switch? My dad's 95 Ranger needs a new switch. What I don't get is why he cares, he never uses the blinkers to start with. LOL. I'm trying to figure out if it's something I can do for him with general tools or if it's going to require something special like a steering wheel puller (of which I don't have).

If it's easy, I might get one for my 97 Ranger. The switch in my 97 has never worked the windshield spray correctly...although the windshield controls and blinkers work fine in it.

And while I'm on the subject, how difficult is it to do the same thing in the 89 Ranger? It's working fine, I just thought I'd ask while on the subject. Looking at the pics of the unit, it appears there's only a single bolt for this one which suggests all I need to do is remove the plastic covering on the column to replace it...but again, I thought I'd ask.

Re: Replacing a turn signal switch

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:00 pm
by cgrey8
I think I might've found the answer I was looking for...a youtube video of it being done:

If the 97 is this easy, then I have to believe the 89 is equally as easy, if not easier.