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Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:45 pm
by bigburl
Along with the fact that I am thankful for my family, my health, good friends and a job, I am very thankful for the help and what feels like a friendship with all of you. I am thankful that this board doesn't have any trashy language, that there is no name calling and that no matter how many times the same question gets asked, you always treat it like the first time. God bless all of you. Malcom, thanks for all the work that goes into the board and all the work that went into sharing your red ranger build. That is what made me think that I could do this. Dave, thanks for feeling like a very old (as in long time) friend. Chris, thanks for all your responses. They have been helpful and have made me think a little more. Broncobowsher and 87ranger, thanks for your knowledge of all sorts of things. Everyone has been helpful! May the love of Christ dwell in each and every one of you and in all your families.
Larry :)

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:10 pm
by cee21
Ditto. I was thinking of typing something very similar. You saved me a lot of typing, so therefore I am thankful for bigburl for typing up what I was thinking about saying. You all have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry CHIRSTmas. (Notice I don't do that political correctness junk)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 6:31 am
by cgrey8
We all have things to be thankful for when we sit back and think about what we have to be thankful for instead of dwelling on the doom and gloom that life sometimes sends our way. I'm guilty of falling into that trap from time to time and this week has been no exception. Thanks to both of you for yanking me out of that mindset so I can begin these holidays with a little more hope and joy. Finding out this week that I have cancer put a damper on my spirits. The doctors are confident with treatment, I'll pull through without any problems. But it's still something that can drag you down if you let it and make the holidays a little less enjoyable. So thanks again for reminding me to remember what I have.

And cee21, no Political Correctness necessary for me. Say what you got to say the way you mean it, and make no apologies for those that can't handle it. It's their problem, not yours.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:25 am
by bigburl
Chris, I'm sorry to hear about your news. I'm glad that the Dr. says you are going to be all right. It is impossible to know or even completely relate to what you are feeling right now unless we have been through it ourselves. Praise God I have not experienced cancer. I will say that I am praying for you and your family. I will add your name to my church's prayer list. Thanks for sharing your news. It adds to the feeling of family that I get from th list. Remember, God is only a prayer away. We don't do anything by ourselves, even when it feels like it. God bless,

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 3:15 pm
by 87ranger
i thank god for everything, he's not the co- pilot i am.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:12 pm
by cee21
Just always remember who the ultimate healer is. God wants to hear from us daily with our needs and concerns. So always try to send one up with anything you need (which I need to practice more myself). Many a miricle has happened through prayer. I think this might help me get into a habit of praying everyday until you tell us that it is no longer there.

That polictical correctness junk was me trying to point my discust about it. Like that Happy Holidays junk. And now this year you can't say ho ho ho because that might offend some woman(heard it on the news down here). Like a radio person I hear say that this has become United States of the Offended. Makes me sick that it is so true.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:43 pm
by 87sc302
Sometimes I just cannot belive this forum.

What a great bunch of Guys.

I don't believe this group is together by accident, I believe in devine plans.

This forum was my lifeline after my major back surgery in April 06 as I recovered.

Chris like you I have been a liittle depressed this Holiday as I face more back surgery Nov. 29th. Then I went to visit a close friend of mine with very agressive brain cancer so God reminded me of how good I have it.
I will also add you to my church prayer list.

And last but not least thanks to Malcolm that makes this forum possilbe.

I never will be politicallly correct, but I answer to a higher power.


Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:51 pm
by cgrey8
Thanks for the kind comments & prayers.

And yes, I agree this site is amazing how it has brought us all together in ways beyond our hobby of Performance Rangers. I'll go under the knife Thursday of next week. Then the kemo starts after I get recovered from that just to make sure that if there was any spread, it gets dealt with.

In other news, I made it to Florida incident-free to visit family down here. So all is well so far. Hopefully the drive back home tomorrow will be equally as smooth sailing.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 10:33 pm
by plowboy34
WOW!!! Once again this site just blows me away. As I said before, I knew I liked this place for more than a bunch of Ford freaks. We got a bunch of Jesus freaks here and I don't know any better kind of freak to be.

Chris, you just rocked me out of my chair man. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I read it three times just to make sure I was reading it right. You can put it in the bank there is Prayers going up for you. The Lord said by my stripes you are healed. Get a hold of that and hang on. Do you know a scheduled time you are suppose to have surgery, everybody can try and be praying at that time. I believe if we can bombard heaven at about the same time we can make things happen. He said where two or three will gather in my name he will be. I believe he will honor that in the Spirit too. Enough preaching I guess, if there is such a thing. I too will add you to my chuch prayer list, and we have some serious prayer warriors there. May God Bless You Chris.

cee21, that radio person is Robert D. Raifort on The Big Show with John Boy and Billy. I listen to them and him all the time, they are great.

Praise The Lord for the Small Block Ford

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:25 am
by 87ranger
sign me up. we need a date and a time for chris and his operation
as a single person we can make a dent or as a group of people we can move mountains, i never do anything half- a## i want that mountain removed, never to return.

and im politicly incorrect too

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:10 am
by cgrey8
Surgery starts at 4:00PM Eastern. Thursday.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers...

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 1:16 pm
by Dave
Been tring to come up with the words. Larry, yes this is a great bunch of guys, yes they do go back and forth at each other at times, yes things settle down without any name calling. Your words really stike home, be thankful for what you do have. I'm thankful to wake up every morning no matter what I feel like. Grab a cup of coffee and just enjoy what's outside my door.
You really want to feel thankful, go work a soup kitchen a couple of times, I'm sure you see it more than you would like to. I've been laid off, company relocated twice and divorced, but still have to have that good out look on life and bounce back. Faith, good friends and family can do wonders!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:03 pm
by cgrey8
Just an update. I got back from the doctor this afternoon. He looked over my blood tests and all the "markers" showed negative/normal for what they were looking for. What this means is that he still doesn't know exactly what I have, but he knows what I DON'T have. The good news is that the blood tests were checking for evidence of the more aggressive cancer cells. The more-easily-treated tumors don't give blood markers evidently.

Also my surgery got pushed up to 9:30AM Thursday. He said from cut to sew-up should be about 1hr 15min. With some luck, everything will turn out routine. With the tumor out, the lab will be able to identify exactly what it is and they can make a plan of attack for preventative action then (i.e. radiation, chemotherapy, etc).

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:35 pm
by bigburl
Glad to hear the good news Chris. We'll keep praying.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:08 pm
by dm89-5.0
yea im am too thanksfull for this board, but mostly im thankful to be alive to celebrate tis joliday, and another birthday (october) i am alos thanksful for my family, friends andchurch that prayed for me when i was almost gone. alos, i am thankful for whoever had the idea to put a small block or big block in anythin (expeccially rangers) and made muscle cars and truck.. haha